Ekaterina Kochetkova

Front-end Developer based in Italy

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Featured Project which my best projects be choice to show

Weather Project

Weather Application Technologies:
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, APIs Developed a dynamic weather application that provides real-time weather information based on user location or search input. Utilized HTML, CSS for responsive design, and JavaScript for functionality, including: Integrated external APIs to fetch live weather data such as temperature, humidity, and forecasts. Implemented user-friendly features such as location-based search, weather icons, and background changes based on weather conditions. Enhanced user experience with interactive elements, smooth transitions, and error handling for invalid inputs. Ensured responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility across different devices

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Weather project preview
Dictionary app preview

List To Do Project

To-Do List Application Technologies:
JavaScript, HTML, CSS Developed a robust and interactive To-Do List application designed to help users manage tasks efficiently with an intuitive and visually appealing interface. The project showcases strong front-end development skills and attention to user experience. Key features include: Dynamic User Interface: Designed and implemented a clean, responsive layout using HTML and CSS, ensuring seamless usability on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Advanced Task Management: Enabled users to add, edit, mark as complete, and delete tasks with ease. Incorporated priority tagging and categorization options for better task organization. Local Storage Integration: Used JavaScript to store tasks in the browser’s local storage, allowing data persistence between sessions and offline access to task lists.

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